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Head Office

Blind Creek Resources Ltd.
1500 - 675 West Hastings Street,
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6B 1N2, Canada
Tel: 604 669 6463
Fax: 604 669 3041
Email: [email protected]

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Blind Creek Resources and its partner, Eagle Plains Resources Ltd., have recently completed an approximately $2 million dollar work program including 15,000 feet of diamond drilling. The work program was intended to increase the grades and confidence in areas previously drilled and to further evaluate the potential to mine the deposit as an underground high grade operation. The Blind Creek Resources Blende

Property lies approximately 75 km north of Keno Hill, Yukon Territory and can be accessed by winter road or by helicopter. The Blende property surrounds Mt. Williams, 64 km north of Keno Hill, Y.T. Mt Williams lies on the continental divide, just to the south and east of Braine Pass, which separates Beaver River and Stewart River (Yukon River drainage) from Wind River (Mackenzie River drainage). This is at 64° 24’ North Latitude and 134° 40’ west Longitude. Read More

The Atlin placer gold camp, located in northwestern British Columbia on the eastern shore of Atlin Lake ranks as the second largest producer of placer gold in the Province. Mining has been the mainstay of the town of Atlin since the discovery of gold on Pine Creek in 1897. Reported placer gold production from creeks in the Atlin area totaled 634,147 oz between 1898 and 1946. A number of the larger placer deposits

continued to produce significant quantities of gold into the late 1980s. Blind Creek Resources expended approximately $200,000 in 2006 on prospecting and other mineral surveys intended to lay the groundwork for a diamond drilling program that is planned for summer 2007.

Blind Creek Resources is a private company focused on the exploration and development of base and precious metals in Western Canada. Blind Creek Resources has recently acquired an option to earn a 60% interest in the Blende property in central Yukon and has extensive mineral claim holdings in the Atlin gold camp in northwestern British Columbia.

Blind Creek Resources is a Socially Responsible Investment [SRI] Company committed to the well being and future of the local environment and aboriginal peoples populating all of the areas it is working in and around.. Blind Creek Resources works closely with First Nations people prior to the undertaking or implementation of any major or key project developments.

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